I'm finally making the move to Wordpress. The blog title is staying the same, my new address is http://throughthepriszm.wordpress.com/.
There's pretty much only one major reason why I'm moving to Wordpress. Many years ago when Gmail was still invite only, I had set up an account but I hadn't started using it. When I decided to join the blogging world, that's the account information that I used, since that's what I already had. Shortly after that I got fed up with Yahoo Mail since the new update kept giving me problems. I got the bright idea to create a new email persona when I switched services. It was a little strange, I've been Priszm for so long. And I still am, anything that requires a username for posting, that's who I am. But I wanted a change for my email address.
So CraftyCritter was born. Only one problem. While Blogger will allow me to use ANY other email address I may have, it will not change the associated account from whichever form of Priszm I used to my brand new account with gmail. Not only will blogger not let me change the account association, it doesn't maintain a list of usernames and passwords. So I can't just click on the Username field and then select the username I want. So I'm moving!
Wordpress did all of the hard work for me, for the most part. They have a handy dandy import/export tool that let me move all existing posts over. It didn't let me move my blog roll though. So I am officially moved into Wordpress! Come visit me at my new home http://throughthepriszm.wordpress.com/ I'll see you there!
Hugs and kisses,
Friday, May 9, 2008
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Stem Cell Research
Hey guys! I'm sharing this from the blog I'm an MS Activist. This something that can not only help those suffering from MS; it can help those suffering from many many other things.
"Press Release: First-Ever Stem Cell Hearing in the House
Energy and Commerce Committee Vice Chair Diana DeGette (D-CO), the chief architect of the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act, today applauded the Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee for scheduling the first-ever Congressional hearing in the House of Representatives on stem cell research. The hearing entitled, “Stem Cell Science: The Foundation for Future Cures,” will be held on Thursday, May 8th. Click here for more information.
Weyman Johnson, National Multiple Sclerosis Society chairman of the baord, who lives with multiple sclerosis will testify. At the same time, MS activists will be on Capitol Hill talking with their legislators about the need to advance medical research."
"Press Release: First-Ever Stem Cell Hearing in the House
Energy and Commerce Committee Vice Chair Diana DeGette (D-CO), the chief architect of the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act, today applauded the Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee for scheduling the first-ever Congressional hearing in the House of Representatives on stem cell research. The hearing entitled, “Stem Cell Science: The Foundation for Future Cures,” will be held on Thursday, May 8th. Click here for more information.
Weyman Johnson, National Multiple Sclerosis Society chairman of the baord, who lives with multiple sclerosis will testify. At the same time, MS activists will be on Capitol Hill talking with their legislators about the need to advance medical research."
Monday, May 5, 2008
I need to clarify Mom's role in my decision to ride in the MS 150. When I wrote posts one and two it was pretty much right as I had gotten home Sunday after the ride. I was very tired and it's been brought to my attention that some things can be and were taken in a way I totally didn't intend and never occurred to me that it could be taken that way.
Mom is one of my best friends. She is someone that I can go to with any problem, any story or any time I need her. When I first told her I planned on doing the MS 150 she told me she was concerned about my ability to actually do the ride and finish. NOT that this was something I couldn't do. But something she was concerned about my ability to do and not have my body get wore out or give up on me.
Mom's concern was actually a good thing for me. It made me more determined to do what I could to complete the entire 150 miles. Her concern made me want to "prove Mom wrong" and, in a sense, prove me wrong. Although I can go to Mom anytime I have a problem or concern, this was something I didn't share with her. I didn't share with John, or anyone else. It's not even something I really admitted to myself. After all, I was the one who's legs felt like they were wrapped with saran wrap after getting off the stationary bike, the one who can no longer do a simple cardio class because my legs get too tired. The one who occasionally gives in and cries in the shower because my body won't let me do those things anymore.
I didn't want to admit to anyone that maybe this was going to be too much for me. So I clung to Mom's concern. I let it drive my determination. And no matter how concerned Mom was, she still was behind me every step of the way. She has supported me through everything in my life. And I'm very very thankful that she's not only my mom, but also my friend.
Mom is one of my best friends. She is someone that I can go to with any problem, any story or any time I need her. When I first told her I planned on doing the MS 150 she told me she was concerned about my ability to actually do the ride and finish. NOT that this was something I couldn't do. But something she was concerned about my ability to do and not have my body get wore out or give up on me.
Mom's concern was actually a good thing for me. It made me more determined to do what I could to complete the entire 150 miles. Her concern made me want to "prove Mom wrong" and, in a sense, prove me wrong. Although I can go to Mom anytime I have a problem or concern, this was something I didn't share with her. I didn't share with John, or anyone else. It's not even something I really admitted to myself. After all, I was the one who's legs felt like they were wrapped with saran wrap after getting off the stationary bike, the one who can no longer do a simple cardio class because my legs get too tired. The one who occasionally gives in and cries in the shower because my body won't let me do those things anymore.
I didn't want to admit to anyone that maybe this was going to be too much for me. So I clung to Mom's concern. I let it drive my determination. And no matter how concerned Mom was, she still was behind me every step of the way. She has supported me through everything in my life. And I'm very very thankful that she's not only my mom, but also my friend.
Oh the irony...
Actually, I'm not sure if this can be considered ironic or not. But, since this is my blog and therefore my little world, we're gonna say it is :)
Everyone everywhere is getting hit with the high price of gas. Many people are cutting down on extra trips and expenses because they're having problems affording gas and other necessaties. I'm no different when it comes to the cost of gas. But I finally put my money where my mouth is so to speak and started doing what I've been saying I'm going to do. Last Thursday I rode my bike to work. For me, it makes a ton of sense. I live less than 5 miles from work and I belong to the gym at work so I have access to the on site showers. It takes me only slightly longer to bike than it does to drive.
Not only am I so close to work, but I'm also very very centrally located to everything else. Within probably no more than 2 miles I have at least one of: Super Walmart, Sam's Club (ok, that's actually only a block away!), Costco, Target, Mall, bookstore (3 within the same distance!), Public and various other stores and restaurants. With everything so close, it really doesn't make sense to drive every place all the time. Except for the summer heat and the storms. So I'm working on getting some panniers for my bike so I can do my shopping by bike. And I'm trying to ride to work more on days I'm not working my part time job.
That's how I started out today actually. I got up, packed my work clothes, put on my bike clothes and headed out. And made it less than two miles. This is my irony part. When we did the MS 150 we were kinda laughing at all the uber bikers with the super skinny tires. Those tires tend to blow out a lot quicker and easier than our fatter tires. So neither of us had to have a tire replaced at all during the ride. This morning however, my front tire went flatter than a pancake. And I couldn't get the cap off of my valve stem to try and fill it up with air to at least ride home. I guess when my chain was being repaired and the guy put some air in my tires, the sealent glued the valve cap in place. So there went my good intentions for today.
Everyone everywhere is getting hit with the high price of gas. Many people are cutting down on extra trips and expenses because they're having problems affording gas and other necessaties. I'm no different when it comes to the cost of gas. But I finally put my money where my mouth is so to speak and started doing what I've been saying I'm going to do. Last Thursday I rode my bike to work. For me, it makes a ton of sense. I live less than 5 miles from work and I belong to the gym at work so I have access to the on site showers. It takes me only slightly longer to bike than it does to drive.
Not only am I so close to work, but I'm also very very centrally located to everything else. Within probably no more than 2 miles I have at least one of: Super Walmart, Sam's Club (ok, that's actually only a block away!), Costco, Target, Mall, bookstore (3 within the same distance!), Public and various other stores and restaurants. With everything so close, it really doesn't make sense to drive every place all the time. Except for the summer heat and the storms. So I'm working on getting some panniers for my bike so I can do my shopping by bike. And I'm trying to ride to work more on days I'm not working my part time job.
That's how I started out today actually. I got up, packed my work clothes, put on my bike clothes and headed out. And made it less than two miles. This is my irony part. When we did the MS 150 we were kinda laughing at all the uber bikers with the super skinny tires. Those tires tend to blow out a lot quicker and easier than our fatter tires. So neither of us had to have a tire replaced at all during the ride. This morning however, my front tire went flatter than a pancake. And I couldn't get the cap off of my valve stem to try and fill it up with air to at least ride home. I guess when my chain was being repaired and the guy put some air in my tires, the sealent glued the valve cap in place. So there went my good intentions for today.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
I can finally post pictures of some recent gifts. Everything has been shipped and opened. I didn't want to show anything before then since the recipient reads this :-)
Sarah was one of my college roommates and a wonderful woman. She's getting married this fall to someone who seems like a perfect match for her. So their wedding present is this (all pictures are clickable):

Not only does she have the excitement of a wedding to prepare for, she is also expecting her first child with her fiance very shortly (within a month). So of course I had to send a gift for Tot. There is a little matching bunny hanging out on the blanket.

Tot will be joining big sister Paige. Growing up my Great Aunt Eleanor would always make sure the non-birthday child had a little something to open, usually it was cheese puffs or something like that. With this in mind, and knowing that there's going to be a lot of attention on Tot when she arrives, Paige got her own presents.

Sarah was one of my college roommates and a wonderful woman. She's getting married this fall to someone who seems like a perfect match for her. So their wedding present is this (all pictures are clickable):
Not only does she have the excitement of a wedding to prepare for, she is also expecting her first child with her fiance very shortly (within a month). So of course I had to send a gift for Tot. There is a little matching bunny hanging out on the blanket.
Tot will be joining big sister Paige. Growing up my Great Aunt Eleanor would always make sure the non-birthday child had a little something to open, usually it was cheese puffs or something like that. With this in mind, and knowing that there's going to be a lot of attention on Tot when she arrives, Paige got her own presents.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
bike MS 150 - Day 2
Welcome to day 2 of the bike MS 150!
Day 2 started almost as early as day 1. The four of us (John, me, Mom and Dad) stayed at the host hotel, The Rosen Center, in Orlando rather than make the sometimes hour drive back to Lakeland. Breakfast started at 5:30, so today we got to sleep in to 5. Yes, again this is AM, while it's still dark out. I did get a lot of sleep last night. I think I was asleep by 8:30, but try telling that to my body, it doesn't like mornings. Especially when it's still dark out.
John and I tossed around the idea of just hopping SAGs all the way to Cypress Gardens. And since I forgot to mention it, SAG is Support and Gear, it's the people driving the route to pass out water/gatorade, minor first aid supplies and to pick up riders when needed. Some riders were just wore out, some were a little sore and needed a little rest, some blew out their tires and needed a ride to the next stop and the bike mechanics. I have a hybrid bike, so unlike all those very skinny bike tire peoples, I had no tire problems at all.
While we were at breakfast Mom and Dad started talking to one of the other volunteers. She said her name was Shannon and that she had ridden twice previously. Her husband and a friend were riding while she was a SAG driver. As we were talking, her husband mentioned being dropped last year when they had stopped at a gas station to get more water because the last SAG had gone buy and not looked in the parking lot of the store to see if any bikes were there. This clicked something for me (forgive the side trip here).
Last year after the ride I was on the Weight Watcher messenger boards and was a little bored. I headed to the 30 year old board, since I'm soon going to be in that category, to see what people were saying. I noticed one poster had listed in her signature line almost completing the 2007 MS 150 ride. I had gotten in contact with her to get an idea of what the ride was like, what to expect (guess I should have asked about the course!), and she had also told me about being dropped on the ride. So when Shannon's husband mentioned this, I asked her if she had been on the WW message boards. Imagine our very pleasant surprise!
Anyway, John and I decided to head out and go as far as we could. When I woke up this morning the muscles behind my left knee were very sore, and the joint area on my right knee hurt. My legs other wise felt pretty good. That helped us decide to keep going. I pulled on my bike shorts (uh, bike store people, those of us with wider loads need wider padding!) and we headed to our bikes, and headed out with everyone. No, my butt wasn't happy to be back on my bike again so soon after so many miles. Like yesterday we did pretty good. Our average to the first two rest stops was 14.4 miles. I even passed people today! On my bike without being in a SAG. Although I did start to develop a hatred for the "Uber Bikers" (Shannon's very apt phrase), the bikers who average 20-25 miles an hour and who finished the century (100 mile ride) on Saturday in about 4, 4 1/2 hours!
When we got to rest stop two, my left knee was doing better, but my right was still hurting a little when I bent my knee. That was livable and no big deal. But getting off my bike I noticed that the muscles in my thighs felt a little weak. I walked around a little bit to try and keep those muscles loose, then joined the line at the porta-pottys. We did get a good laugh while waiting. One lady in front of John mentioned the handicap one being open since the indicator was green. So John went and opened the door, on some poor lady using the toilet! No, the lady in front of John was not aware someone was in there.
Heading back out, I made sure to tell John about my thigh muscles so he would know how I was doing, and we agreed to continue on. He said we'll take it slow and get your muscles warmed up again. As we continued on I actually started to slow down and it was getting harder to push on. At stop three, I got off my bike (after climbing a small hill biking into the rest stop!) and headed to the snack table. My legs were weaker this time and I don't know if I could have crossed the street back to my bike without support. I truly felt like my thighs were going to give out on me. So back onto the SAG wagon for me. John headed off into the hills (literally) on bike and I got to rest and relax in AC.
We got back together at the lunch stop and we both hopped Shannon's SAG to rest stop seven (final rest stop). John's back was very sore heading into the lunch, so we decided to bypass the rest of the ride. John did ride the last leg into Cypress Gardens and I hopped another SAG (this is starting to sound like bus or metro transfers). The driver let me out into the parking lot. He would have taken me to John's truck, but I told him that I said I was going to cross the finish line on my bike. I did end the tour riding about 2 blocks, my thigh muscles were still feeling very weak while on my bike. But I said if I was dragging my feet or if John was pushing me, I was going to cross that finish line on my bike.
I don't know if it was being so tired (remember, we were up while it was still dark out both days), or just the fact I managed to do as much as I did. But crossing that finish line was, and still is, a very emotional moment for me. I collected my medal while on my bike and with tears coming out of my eyes. Yes, I proved Mom right and my legs were not able to do the entire ride, but dammit, I did half of it. I did about 80 miles in all and I hauled my body, wide load and poor tired legs and all, up all those damn hills. I DID IT!
Day 1 I did about 53 miles and today I did about 26-27 miles. John did around 116 miles total. And while I did develope a slight hatred (ok, resentment?) towards the Uber Bikers, I have the utmost respect for everyone involved, from the organizers, to the bikers and all the way to the volunteers. Trust me, those volunteers worked just as hard as we bikers did. Check this poor tired volunteer out. I know that I've said I can pretty much sleep anywhere, but this person takes the cake, sleeping the way s/he is in the DJ tent with the speakers right there.

And I thank everyone for supporting me, both with financial support as a donation to the MS Society and emotional support. It means so much to me and Dad that so many believed I could do this. However, next year, John and I think we'll be one of the SAG vehicles instead. I think I'll stick to the MS walk, it's only 3 miles.
Day 2 started almost as early as day 1. The four of us (John, me, Mom and Dad) stayed at the host hotel, The Rosen Center, in Orlando rather than make the sometimes hour drive back to Lakeland. Breakfast started at 5:30, so today we got to sleep in to 5. Yes, again this is AM, while it's still dark out. I did get a lot of sleep last night. I think I was asleep by 8:30, but try telling that to my body, it doesn't like mornings. Especially when it's still dark out.
John and I tossed around the idea of just hopping SAGs all the way to Cypress Gardens. And since I forgot to mention it, SAG is Support and Gear, it's the people driving the route to pass out water/gatorade, minor first aid supplies and to pick up riders when needed. Some riders were just wore out, some were a little sore and needed a little rest, some blew out their tires and needed a ride to the next stop and the bike mechanics. I have a hybrid bike, so unlike all those very skinny bike tire peoples, I had no tire problems at all.
While we were at breakfast Mom and Dad started talking to one of the other volunteers. She said her name was Shannon and that she had ridden twice previously. Her husband and a friend were riding while she was a SAG driver. As we were talking, her husband mentioned being dropped last year when they had stopped at a gas station to get more water because the last SAG had gone buy and not looked in the parking lot of the store to see if any bikes were there. This clicked something for me (forgive the side trip here).
Last year after the ride I was on the Weight Watcher messenger boards and was a little bored. I headed to the 30 year old board, since I'm soon going to be in that category, to see what people were saying. I noticed one poster had listed in her signature line almost completing the 2007 MS 150 ride. I had gotten in contact with her to get an idea of what the ride was like, what to expect (guess I should have asked about the course!), and she had also told me about being dropped on the ride. So when Shannon's husband mentioned this, I asked her if she had been on the WW message boards. Imagine our very pleasant surprise!
Anyway, John and I decided to head out and go as far as we could. When I woke up this morning the muscles behind my left knee were very sore, and the joint area on my right knee hurt. My legs other wise felt pretty good. That helped us decide to keep going. I pulled on my bike shorts (uh, bike store people, those of us with wider loads need wider padding!) and we headed to our bikes, and headed out with everyone. No, my butt wasn't happy to be back on my bike again so soon after so many miles. Like yesterday we did pretty good. Our average to the first two rest stops was 14.4 miles. I even passed people today! On my bike without being in a SAG. Although I did start to develop a hatred for the "Uber Bikers" (Shannon's very apt phrase), the bikers who average 20-25 miles an hour and who finished the century (100 mile ride) on Saturday in about 4, 4 1/2 hours!
When we got to rest stop two, my left knee was doing better, but my right was still hurting a little when I bent my knee. That was livable and no big deal. But getting off my bike I noticed that the muscles in my thighs felt a little weak. I walked around a little bit to try and keep those muscles loose, then joined the line at the porta-pottys. We did get a good laugh while waiting. One lady in front of John mentioned the handicap one being open since the indicator was green. So John went and opened the door, on some poor lady using the toilet! No, the lady in front of John was not aware someone was in there.
Heading back out, I made sure to tell John about my thigh muscles so he would know how I was doing, and we agreed to continue on. He said we'll take it slow and get your muscles warmed up again. As we continued on I actually started to slow down and it was getting harder to push on. At stop three, I got off my bike (after climbing a small hill biking into the rest stop!) and headed to the snack table. My legs were weaker this time and I don't know if I could have crossed the street back to my bike without support. I truly felt like my thighs were going to give out on me. So back onto the SAG wagon for me. John headed off into the hills (literally) on bike and I got to rest and relax in AC.
We got back together at the lunch stop and we both hopped Shannon's SAG to rest stop seven (final rest stop). John's back was very sore heading into the lunch, so we decided to bypass the rest of the ride. John did ride the last leg into Cypress Gardens and I hopped another SAG (this is starting to sound like bus or metro transfers). The driver let me out into the parking lot. He would have taken me to John's truck, but I told him that I said I was going to cross the finish line on my bike. I did end the tour riding about 2 blocks, my thigh muscles were still feeling very weak while on my bike. But I said if I was dragging my feet or if John was pushing me, I was going to cross that finish line on my bike.
I don't know if it was being so tired (remember, we were up while it was still dark out both days), or just the fact I managed to do as much as I did. But crossing that finish line was, and still is, a very emotional moment for me. I collected my medal while on my bike and with tears coming out of my eyes. Yes, I proved Mom right and my legs were not able to do the entire ride, but dammit, I did half of it. I did about 80 miles in all and I hauled my body, wide load and poor tired legs and all, up all those damn hills. I DID IT!
Day 1 I did about 53 miles and today I did about 26-27 miles. John did around 116 miles total. And while I did develope a slight hatred (ok, resentment?) towards the Uber Bikers, I have the utmost respect for everyone involved, from the organizers, to the bikers and all the way to the volunteers. Trust me, those volunteers worked just as hard as we bikers did. Check this poor tired volunteer out. I know that I've said I can pretty much sleep anywhere, but this person takes the cake, sleeping the way s/he is in the DJ tent with the speakers right there.
And I thank everyone for supporting me, both with financial support as a donation to the MS Society and emotional support. It means so much to me and Dad that so many believed I could do this. However, next year, John and I think we'll be one of the SAG vehicles instead. I think I'll stick to the MS walk, it's only 3 miles.
bike MS 150 - Day 1
Honestly I don't know if I have enough to write about, but I'm going to split it into two posts anyway. After all, it is my blog :-) And just so you know, all images are clickable to larger sizes.
Anyone who has spent time with me knows I am not a morning person. Never have been and probably never will be. Mom is the same way. However, Mom and Dad had to be at Cypress Gardens by 5:45 AM at the latest to get the details of their volunteer assignment. So, John and I got our butts out of bed at the crack of dawn and headed with them. We were at Cypress Gardens by 5:30, and guess what?, it was still dark out.
After getting in, we roamed around until about 7am, that's when everyone loosely lined up to head out on the actual ride. There was a rumored 1600 people registered to ride! That's a lot of people! Keep that number in mind...
Send off was supposed to be at 7, but we didn't get going until about 7:10, by that time the natives were all getting restless. John and I did snap pictures of each other while waiting. We were both VIB's, that means we were able to raise the minimum $1000 needed for jerseys. Given all the hard work that went into getting the jerseys, we wore them proudly on Saturday.

After taking off I thought we were doing pretty well. We were averaging about 15 mph to start and things were going pretty well. However, I was surprised when I came up onto the first direction sign with the milage. The ride was split into the option of 50mph, 75 mph or on Saturday 100 mph. John and I had decided we'd do the 75 each day. Well, it really wasn't 50, 75 or 100 miles. It was 53, 83 or 103. They lied to us! But oh well, we're on the way, we're doing good. And if you're interested in the route, here ya go!
We got to the first rest stop pretty quickly, took a quick break and headed on to the next. Somewhere between the first and second or second and third rest stop (pretty sure second and third) I discovered someone else had lied. I'd really like to find the person (persons?) who said Florida is a flat state. I want to know where they went that it's flat and why we couldn't be there too! This is the first hill section that we encountered. The picture is from the top. The downhill that is seen in the distance, we went up the other side of that, down the hill and then I hauled my butt up the hill I'm standing at the top of. That was not fun, but it wasn't as bad as to come.

Rest stop three was the last stop before lunch. At this time it's around 11 or so, we'd gone roughly 30-something miles or so. So we head out to lunch and discover a ton more hills. Lots of hills. I felt like I was biking in Duluth! Except we did have some down portions, just not as much as I would have liked. Or maybe it just felt that way. I honestly don't know at this point. The trip from rest stop 3 to 4 was the longest one we had, it was roughly 14 1/2 miles, all of it hills. Leaving rest stop 3 I actually walked my bike up a hill because I needed to work a different set of muscles for a while.
On our way to lunch Mom and Dad called twice. The first time they said we didn't have too much farther to go (yeah, it goes quicker in a motor vehicle!) and that when we came around the bend a photographer would be there. We kept saying "oh, there's a bend, this must be it." The second time they called, Mom asked where we were. My very testy response was "On another damn hill!" And besides, we were in the middle of the flippin' state, how did I know where we were? We FINALLY got to lunch, about 12:30 I think. It meant a nice long trip down a hill (Oh thank god!). We were served pb&j's or Bubba Burgers. The burgers smelled really good, but by this time I didn't know if I was hungry or wanted to throw up (we've decided it was the gatorade doing that), so I stuck with the sandwiches.
Heading out of lunch I had a problem with my bike, my chain got jammed. A SAG driver had some lubricant, so we lubed up my chain and decided to SAG to the next rest stop looking for one of the bike mechanics. When we left in the truck I commented that "I finally get to pass people." Remember the 1600 people that were registered? Yeah, about 1/2 probably passed me. I passed no one except John. When we went into lunch maybe a dozen tops came in after us.
The mechanic looked at my chain (since it was "stuttering" when I switched gears) and found out my cable was loose. After getting that tightened, John headed to the next rest stop on bike and I caught a ride. We hung out at the next stop before trying to head to the final rest stop. We made it 8 miles I'm sorry to say before catching a ride to the end.
Dinner would have been much more enjoyable if the sound system was turned down. When the singer started to sing Mom and I actually had to shout to hear each other, and we were sitting right next to each other. So we didn't stay to listen to the speaker, which I was a bit disappointed at. But, it's probably a good thing, what do you guys think?

Anyone who has spent time with me knows I am not a morning person. Never have been and probably never will be. Mom is the same way. However, Mom and Dad had to be at Cypress Gardens by 5:45 AM at the latest to get the details of their volunteer assignment. So, John and I got our butts out of bed at the crack of dawn and headed with them. We were at Cypress Gardens by 5:30, and guess what?, it was still dark out.
After getting in, we roamed around until about 7am, that's when everyone loosely lined up to head out on the actual ride. There was a rumored 1600 people registered to ride! That's a lot of people! Keep that number in mind...
Send off was supposed to be at 7, but we didn't get going until about 7:10, by that time the natives were all getting restless. John and I did snap pictures of each other while waiting. We were both VIB's, that means we were able to raise the minimum $1000 needed for jerseys. Given all the hard work that went into getting the jerseys, we wore them proudly on Saturday.
After taking off I thought we were doing pretty well. We were averaging about 15 mph to start and things were going pretty well. However, I was surprised when I came up onto the first direction sign with the milage. The ride was split into the option of 50mph, 75 mph or on Saturday 100 mph. John and I had decided we'd do the 75 each day. Well, it really wasn't 50, 75 or 100 miles. It was 53, 83 or 103. They lied to us! But oh well, we're on the way, we're doing good. And if you're interested in the route, here ya go!
We got to the first rest stop pretty quickly, took a quick break and headed on to the next. Somewhere between the first and second or second and third rest stop (pretty sure second and third) I discovered someone else had lied. I'd really like to find the person (persons?) who said Florida is a flat state. I want to know where they went that it's flat and why we couldn't be there too! This is the first hill section that we encountered. The picture is from the top. The downhill that is seen in the distance, we went up the other side of that, down the hill and then I hauled my butt up the hill I'm standing at the top of. That was not fun, but it wasn't as bad as to come.
Rest stop three was the last stop before lunch. At this time it's around 11 or so, we'd gone roughly 30-something miles or so. So we head out to lunch and discover a ton more hills. Lots of hills. I felt like I was biking in Duluth! Except we did have some down portions, just not as much as I would have liked. Or maybe it just felt that way. I honestly don't know at this point. The trip from rest stop 3 to 4 was the longest one we had, it was roughly 14 1/2 miles, all of it hills. Leaving rest stop 3 I actually walked my bike up a hill because I needed to work a different set of muscles for a while.
On our way to lunch Mom and Dad called twice. The first time they said we didn't have too much farther to go (yeah, it goes quicker in a motor vehicle!) and that when we came around the bend a photographer would be there. We kept saying "oh, there's a bend, this must be it." The second time they called, Mom asked where we were. My very testy response was "On another damn hill!" And besides, we were in the middle of the flippin' state, how did I know where we were? We FINALLY got to lunch, about 12:30 I think. It meant a nice long trip down a hill (Oh thank god!). We were served pb&j's or Bubba Burgers. The burgers smelled really good, but by this time I didn't know if I was hungry or wanted to throw up (we've decided it was the gatorade doing that), so I stuck with the sandwiches.
Heading out of lunch I had a problem with my bike, my chain got jammed. A SAG driver had some lubricant, so we lubed up my chain and decided to SAG to the next rest stop looking for one of the bike mechanics. When we left in the truck I commented that "I finally get to pass people." Remember the 1600 people that were registered? Yeah, about 1/2 probably passed me. I passed no one except John. When we went into lunch maybe a dozen tops came in after us.
The mechanic looked at my chain (since it was "stuttering" when I switched gears) and found out my cable was loose. After getting that tightened, John headed to the next rest stop on bike and I caught a ride. We hung out at the next stop before trying to head to the final rest stop. We made it 8 miles I'm sorry to say before catching a ride to the end.
Dinner would have been much more enjoyable if the sound system was turned down. When the singer started to sing Mom and I actually had to shout to hear each other, and we were sitting right next to each other. So we didn't stay to listen to the speaker, which I was a bit disappointed at. But, it's probably a good thing, what do you guys think?
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