Saturday, February 16, 2008

Happy Belated Valentine's Day!

I hope everyone had a good Valentine's Day. I was stuck working that night, so J and I saw each other very briefly. It didn't bother me that I was working since I've never really been all that big on Valentine's Day, J isn't either which is nice. We kept things very low key, got each other a card. He got me a Peanut Butter Twix (since I had been craving one lately) and I got him a smallish Reese's heart and a little picture frame. Nothing major, nothing break the bank expensive. Our anniversary is coming up at the end of this month and that to me is more of a celebration.

It's sometimes hard to believe we've been together two years already. On one hand the time seems to have flown by at the speed of light. On the other hand, because we are so comfortable with each other (in a good way, I promise!) it feels like it's been longer. I still thank my lucky stars everyday for him. And I'm very thankful to L for thinking he'd be a great match for me. So L, thank you so very much from the bottom of my heart :)

I haven't been up to a whole lot of anything exciting. I've been busy crocheting as usual. I three current projects going, one of which is a very pretty doily. I signed up for the doily swap at Crochetville and I might give this to my swap partner. It depends on what s/he requests for colors and shapes. And as usual I will post pictures once I am able to.

I've also been busy sending out letters and making contacts for the auction. I stopped at my local Best Buy yesterday and spoke with the manager on duty. I am very excited to say that from the words he used and the impression I got, I should be able to get something from them to auction off. He asked what I wanted and I told him "I'll be honest, I would love to have a tv or digital camera. It doesn't have to be a high end expensive item either. But, I'll take what I can get." I don't want to be greedy after all ;) I received confirmation regarding another item the other day too. Mom works for the travel company for Great Escapes Vacation Club and they donated a certificate regarding one of their condos in the area. This is good for a week and has a value of up to $1500! I am really thrilled that they were so generous in doing this. I'll get the paperwork tomorrow so I'll be able to see what they are defining as area. As J pointed out since this event is taking place at a bike (motorcycle) fest, if GEVC counts Daytona as an area then this certificate will be a huge hit!

I'm still hustling my butt off to get donations. I've been very excited about the responses I've received and the generosity shown. If any of you knows anyone who would be willing to donate a service or product please let me know or send them to my Silent Auction website. Hugs and Kisses to all! I need to get ready for the day so that J and I can go find me some nice padded bike shorts. I tried on a pair recently to see what size I would need and they felt a little like wearing a diaper. However, if it'll keep my butt nice and cushioned for those 150 miles, I'll take it! Enjoy your weekend everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Due to someone stalking me...I had to delete my whole blog and start over. So here's the new one.