Saturday, December 8, 2007

I've Been a Very Busy Bee

Ok, make that a busy crafty critter! I finally finished J's blanket. It's only been in the works for the last 9 months or more. But in between that, I had a baby blanket come up. And a hat. And I decided I wanted a covering for my toilet tank and I wanted to make it so it would semi-match the shower curtain. And I had to finish J's blanket as I was just itching to start my new project, a crochet afghan with a nice big hook. This one will be available to bid on and will hopefully be done very quickly. Since I've been so busy, I thought I'd share the fruits (ok, yarns) of my labor with everyone.

1st view of J's afghan.

This has a better view of the edging. J says it looks to him like confetti and was done with all three colors together.

The covering I made for my toilet tank. My shower curtain is a navy blue with an suns, moons and stars in an antique gold type color.

Someone I know was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. She was told that the type she had was a rare type, but if one is going to get this nasty disease, the kind she had was the best type to get. As a precaution, she is going through chemo-therapy. She's not sure if her hair will fall out or not, so I thought I would make her a hat just in case. This is the first time I've ever made one, and it turned out pretty good.


Anonymous said...

That's some talent you have there, missy.

Anonymous said...

You are RIDICULOUSLY talented. I can't even sew on a button, let alone knit and crochet anything. Holy wah.

Val said...

Aww, Court I'm blushing. Thank you. I actually follow directions very well for the most part. Funny story. When I was learning how to crochet (from a book) the instructions said to turn. I didn't understand that it meant physically turn the item being created around. I thought it meant turn the hook and I could not for the life of me figure out how to do that right handed. So I ended up being able to crochet right and left handed. I now turn the project itself around too, makes it easier.