Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Co-Pay Issues for certain medications

One of the blogs I read is I'm an MS Activist, for obvious reassons. I don't always read all of the posts, but there was one today that caught my attention. Today's post contained this article from The New York Times, an article that is important not just for those with MS, but anyone taking specialized medications for rheumatoid arthritis, hemophilia, hepatitis C and some cancers. Please please read the article.

I'm currently on Rebif, it's one of the most recent medications approved by the FDA to help slow the progression of MS. My medication costs my insurance company approximately $1900 a month. When I was first started on Rebif at my previous job my co-pay was $100 a month, or $250 for a 90 day supply. When I changed to my current company my co-pay dropped dramaticly. In 2007 I had a co-pay of $16.90, and insurance was paying $1700 something. This year due my co-pay is $30. I'm greatful that I'm not paying more, I know many many are. This is one of many reasons why this weekend I'm riding 150 miles to help fight MS.

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